
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -lista

10 things you like

- That moment when the plane takes off and I'm off to some new, exciting place.
- When my boyfriend hugs and kisses me when we see each other after the week.
- When a stranger smiles at me.
- Having a girls' night in. Gossip Girl, chocolate fondue and talking about everything. < 3
- The feeling after I've been working out and then sitting in the sauna afterwards. Feels soooo tired but at the same time amazingly relaxed.
- To wear beautiful clothes, obviously. :)
- When it's again so warm outside that you don't need to wear a jacket.
- Eating a perfect avocado, with some pepper on it.
- To read a good book / to see an exhibition that makes me think about some things in a new way.
- Sunshine, it makes everything better!

9 things you don't like

- When somebody expects me to do things in a certain way just because I'm a woman / I study art / whatever. I hate that kind of thinking.
- Snow in March.
- Anxiety.
- To walk home alone in the night. I'm seriously afraid that someone will shoot me.
- Fighting.
- To put on a wet bathing suit.
- Unfriendlyness (is that a real word? :D)
- Sunbathing. It's so boring! :) I love to walk around the beach instead, go swimming and so on. :)
- Touchscreens. We don't get along very well...

8 blogs you read

I read maaaany blogs, but here are the ones I've been checking lately:
Kaikki mitä rakastin
Esme and the laneway
Dearest Deer
Oi ihana turhamaisuus!
Elsa Billgren

7 things you want to do in the future

- Live abroad for a while again. Maybe in New York this time. :)
- Get an interesting job.
- Get a cat!
- See Macchu Picchu and Angor Wat.
- Live happily ever after with my boyfriend.
- Learn to dance.
- Learn new languages.

6 things you're scared of

- Growing up.
- Being jealous.
- Centipedes. And cockroaches. Ewwwww.
- In the night when I'm walking in a quiet street and it feels that someone is following me.
- That I'll lose my friends or family somehow.
- Violence.

5 places you like to be in

- By the sea.
- St Germain in Paris. I used to live in the neighbourhood.
- Almost anywhere in New York. < 3
- In a museum seeing a good exhibition.
-At home with my boyfriend or my friends. I love spending time at home, too! I guess it's very important for me to have some place I can call my home, wherever I am.

4 words you would describe yourself with

- Curious.
- Ambitious.
- Happy.
- Musical.

3 things you look forward to

- Our holiday in Côte d'Azur! Soon soon soon!!!
- Summer. It's the greatest time in Finland!
- My new job this summer! So excited!

2 good films

Moulin Rouge. It's a classic. And Marie Antoinette, it's like candy.

1 great song


All photos by me.



Heeeellou pitkästä aikaa! :) Nyt näyttää siltä, että elämä heittää jatkuvasti tielle uusia, kiireellisiä asioita, joten välillä blogia on laitettava pauselle. Mutta ei siis huolta, palailen edelleen tänne epäsäännöllisen säännöllisesti!

Vaatetusasiat ovat olleet hiukan sivussa omasta ajattelustani viime aikoina, ja ihme kyllä, huomaan kaivavani kaapista Vilan aleista kaivetun mukavuusvaatteen, jota en jostain syystä ole vielä antanut pois. Itse asiassa - sehän on supermukava, ja valtava kaulus mukavan naisellinen ja lämmin!

Neulemekko: Vila / saappaat: Pertti Palmroth / laukku: 2nd hand

Onhan tuo mekoksi varsin lyhyt, mutta menköön. :) Muutenkin huomaan kaupoissa katselevani kaikkea odottamatonta, kuten farkkuja (!!!) ja farkkupaitoja (!!!). Outoa, todellakin. Katsotaan vaan, minkä näköinen kombo on kuukauden päästä asukuvissa... ;)

Translation: Today it was a gotta-wear-something-comfortable  day, so I found this Vila dress. I love that collar, it's so huge!